Thursday, January 26, 2012


What is Art?
“Creativity has got to start with humanity and when you're a human being, you feel, you suffer.” (Marilyn Monroe) 

When asked how she felt about art and creativity, Marilyn made it very obvious that art was about feeling. For this specific blog I tried to search as many quotes from legendary artists and as many intellectual definitions for art that I could find. While numerous quotes and definitions were quite generic—even brilliant-- I found this one to settle with me best. Art is many things. Art is subjective; art is judgmental.  Nevertheless, art at its very core is about emotion. More often than not in this world we do things because we feel like doing it. Logic and passion are contradictory and I do not think you could find an artist and ask them this question without being confused: “What was your logical reasoning for painting this picture or explain your reasoning for taking that photograph at that exact time?”
Most would tell you because they felt like it. Art is one of the very few things in life that we can accomplish without questioning why we did it. Yes there will be questions about how, where, and what motivated us; however, we never tell an artist do not create something because it does not make logical sense. On the flip side…
I could be very wrong. There are people who despise anything do with art. To give them the benefit of the doubt, they may not like “artsy fartsy” creations because they are disinterested but perhaps because they just do not understand it. Marilyn Monroe had the right grasp on art and creativity. It is about humanity. We are animals and we feel everything. Art is an outlet of expression because of something we suffer from or something we enjoy. Passion is art and if you disagree with that then you are probably not an artist.

1 comment:

  1. Well Done! I love the reference to Marilyn and the use of her quote. Wonderful observations here Samantha
    10 points
    Favorite artist(s)?
