Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Nicholas Jojola is a photography student that was chosen to jump out of a plane at 126 MPH for a HTC commercial. He was a “free falling” fashion photographer trying to get the right shots for the new HTC phone. This commercial was released in the UK a couple of weeks ago and will be released in the States in mid April. I have the absolute honor to know this young man—he is my closest male cousin and good friend.
I find myself being drawn to young artists in contemporary art. Photography has the best visual effect for me artistically. So naturally I was ecstatic when Nick was chosen for this gig. They filmed in the skies of Arizona and my cousin had to go through extensive air training as well photography training for HTC. I have included a Q&A format to really get a feel for what this amazing young artist had accomplished for himself. This interview took place over the phone and my usually laid-back cousin had to deal with a screeching girl cousin on the other line.


Samantha Granados and Nicholas Jojola:

Q(S): NICKKKK!!!!! I just saw your HTC commercial. I am so proud of you!!!!! (More screaming)

A (N): Hey Sammy! Ha-Ha. Thanks.
(I could hear the smile in his voice.)
After a little catching up on personal levels, I began asking him about his experience and what is next to come.

Q(S): Nick! What was training like and knowing that you would be falling at a speed of 126 MPH?

A (N): I was truly scared and excited. I mean I never thought an opportunity would happen like this for me and honestly I was scared to sh**. It was just really insane dude.
He laughs some more.

Q (S): Nick, I can’t even tell you how proud I am of you. Like this is insane! I can’t even imagine how you must have felt. I mean WHO ARE YOU?

A (N): It was so crazy Sam. The intensity of falling and not only all the training but having a job to do as well. My objective was to capture the picture of the model while falling and it was just so crazy but an awesome experience.

Q (S): My mom told me you are using the money to go to London! OH MY GOSH COME VISIT ME IN NEW YORK.

A (N): Ha-Ha. I would love that man. Damn I really want to see New York but I think I’ll wait for the summer for that.

Q (S): I have to tell you the very ending of the commercial…you just have to know everything about you to understand the last smile of yours when you land on the ground. It was a mixture of relief and simply just: “HOLY CRAP I SURVIVED!”

A (N): Ha-Ha. Yeah I was just…words can’t even describe it dude. Just so awesome. Now I wait for London!

Q(S): Well ‘cuz’…I am extremely proud of you and your talent. You deserve all of this. I love you and I miss you!
A (N): Love you too. See you on the flip side! 

1 comment:

  1. It was just really insane dude.
    Really insane! what a great addition to your blog!!! What a talented family (including you!)
    10 points
